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Rules & Policies for the Library

Students visiting the library during a class period:

  • have a signed (teacher/admin) library pass.
  • have an academic purpose for being in the Library (research, checking out book, work on project)
  • if using a computer at this time it needs for an academic purpose.
  • sign in on clipboard located by the front entrance.
  • return to class as soon as assignments are complete.

  Students visiting the library before or during lunch are expected to:

  • sign in on clipboard located at the front desk.
  • follow posted rules & keep volume at approved level.
  • return all supplies, items, tools, games or Chromebooks used during visit.
  • if using a computer at this time, make sure you are following the JISD acceptable use policy. Violating the district's acceptable use policy could result in the loss of login privileges.
  • clean up the area you used and throw trash away.
  • push in your chairs when leaving.

 Check Out Procedures

  • Students may have up to two books checked out at one time.
  • Books are checked out for three weeks.
  • Students may renew books for an additional three weeks.
  • There are no fines for overdue books.
  • Students may not check out another book if they have an Overdue book. 

 Lost or Damaged Books

  • Students must pay for lost books or books that are damaged beyond repair.
  • Students may not check out another book until lost and damaged book fines are paid.